
Friday, December 22, 2017

2017 Highlights

If I had to sum up 2017 in 3 words it would be Pilates, Work, and Bourbon. Maybe not necessarily in that order! But those three things were definitely prominent this year, even more so than they have ever been in the past! You guys have been so patient with me and my mediocre outfits and haphazard content. I'm excited to start fresh in 2018, but before I do, I wanted to recap some of the life highlights that made 2017 what it was! Let's get started!

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So yes, if you have been living under a rock for the last year or so (or haven't read my blog all year), much of my time has been spent getting Pilates certified. I just completed the program in November - 450 hours on top of my full time job, travel, work, baseball, all that good stuff! I am so grateful for Stephanie at The Pilates Barre Studio who put the bug in my ear to get certified and to have faith in me to even start teaching at the studio in the first place! It has been such a rewarding experience and it's only just begun!

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I'm pretty thankful that the program was hosted by a studio located in Boulder, CO which meant that I got to visit Boulder 4 times this year. I managed to drag the husband with me the last time because I wanted someone there with me to celebrate after I took my last exam! I love Boulder and I plan to go back as much as I can!

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Work, work, work, work, work. It's been really busy this year, but I really can't complain because I work with the best group of people ever. Our big project was in San Diego, and there are definitely worst places I could have traveled. We started this project about a year ago and it officially opened in August. That means a huge chunk of my year was spent talking about this project, but again, it was such a fun project to be a part of. So inspiring and really beautiful.

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The first part of the year was spent working on our design "booth" for our big vendor show in Nashville. This is also something we started working on about a year ago. It took three months of hardcore planning and conference call after conference call, but it all came together. This happened in March, and I truly still feel like I'm trying to catch up from that week in Nashville!

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One thing that I walked away from Nashville with was a new appreciation for Bourbon. I've always loved Bourbon - Jim Beam was my go to in college, and a good old faithful if there is nothing else at the bar that I feel like drinking. But I had never drank more bourbon in my LIFE than when I was in Nashville, specifically Woodford, and I was pleased that it never once gave me a hangover either! Yummy and non-headache inducing. Two thumbs up! Having the last minute trip to the Bourbon Trail this year was such a good life choice!

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Speaking of trips, I was lucky enough to see my family a few times this year! I had both the husband's family and my family in the same area code! How fun is that? We threw a ginormous party for my dad over the summer and we were able to time it the same time that we were vacationing with the in-laws over the July 4th holiday.

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I think we can all agree that my jumping skills are on point! Ha! Family photos on the beach rock my world.

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Speaking of family, ours grew by one this year thanks to my brother and his wife having a baby! He is the happiest baby I have ever met, and I got to see him (and my other nephew) a couple times this year! 

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By far, my birthday week this year was the most epic one I have had in my entire life. I was completely spoiled by my co-workers and by the husband. Something I am still thankful for and I will always remember!

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Even though the blog took a bit of a backseat this year, there were a few noteworthy things to mention! The rewardStyle conference first and foremost was invaluable. I'm glad I bit the bullet and forced myself to go. I learned a lot about blogging and a lot about myself in the process!

See my short TV segment here!

Second, I was on TV! Say what?! I was asked to do a segment about Galentine's Day on  a local Fox 2 news channel, and I gotta say, that's a first for me! I was definitely WAYYY out of my comfort zone here, but looking back, I have no regrets, and I am glad I took the plunge and just did it.

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It's always great when I can see blogger friends in real life, and it's also great when real life collides with blog life and I am able to kill two birds with one stone. On one of the last trips to San Diego, I was able to brunch with some of my San Diego blogger friends! Unfortunately, I also lost my phone on that trip.... but hey, at least I have the iPhone X now! Ha! Anyway, these girls are just as beautiful inside as they are on the outside. Grateful for their friendship.

And that's 2017 in a nutshell! Excited to see what 2018 has in store. It's always nice to do posts like these and read them back later on! I'll be taking Monday off for Christmas, but I will be back Wednesday and Friday with my favorite outfits and some photo bloopers! Stay tuned! And Merry Christmas!!!!!

Linking up for:  Fashion Friday, Friday Favorites

1 comment :

  1. This was such a fun recap! I remember all of these things happening but it's hard to believe you crammed them all into one year. And yes, per Snapchat you did drink a lot of bourbon this year!! Haha! I don't think I realized that the bourbon obsession was kind of a new thing this year. I still need to try Woodford! I'll make that one of my 2018 resolutions. LOL
    Gina || On the Daily Express
